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Want to Work There gems -
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Join 800+ passionate culture advocates who receive practical, actionable advice for building a better workplace.

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The way we work is changing - and we’re determined to change it for the better.


One business acting alone can't change our societal beliefs about work, but together, we can create a new normal. 


​If you're here, it means you're excited to be part of that change.This newsletter is for you. 


​Each week, we'll send you practical, actionable advice for building a workplace culture you're proud of, along with the inspiration you need to keep you building towards it.


​You can expect:

⏰  Manageable, actionable tips you can implement right away to generate positive momentum

🎙️  Interviews with culture experts, the inside scoop on new tools and resources, and free downloadable templates 


🛁  Self-care tips (because we could all use ‘em, am I right?)

Changing beliefs about "the way things are done around here" isn't for the faint-hearted.


It's for the big-hearted. For the people people. For those who think about people first, and - wisely - trust that the profit will follow.

Something tells me that's you.


And, since I know just how hard this work can be, it’s important to me that you know you aren't in this alone. My hope is that this newsletter and the community it cultivates will be a weekly reminder of just that.

​In the meantime, know this:


I see you.


I believe in you.


And keep going.


The work you’re doing really matters.

​Together, we will create the world of work we've always wanted to see. The one we know in our gut (and in our heart of hearts) is possible.

Image of Jill Felska's golden doodle, Theo, wearing aviator sunglasses and a red and blue star bandanna. He's saying, "You're making a positive difference in this world. Keep going." Get weekly encouragement from Theo when you sign up for the Want to Work There newsletter.

Join us in changing work for the better.

Who am I? 

My name is Jill Felska and I've been working to help improve workplace culture for the better part of two decades. Crazy - I know!

I'm a champion for practical, actionable advice that you can easily implement in the real world. It's the foundation of every podcast I record, newsletter I write, and product I build.

If I can make your journey to building a better workplace even a little bit easier, I'll feel like I've done my job. After all, we're in this together!

To better workplaces, 


Jill Felska is a People Ops expert and Founder of Want to Work There
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